Air Community Trust logo in green
SH 23 May 2013

KBCT assisted Kirkhill Primary School in organising a cycling event alongside the Village market on Saturday 18th May. Local cycling organisation ‘Velocity’ provided a mobile cycling workshop where Penny and Ferga gave a maintenance check to bikes belonging to pupils and adults and gave advice to the youngsters on how to maintain their own bikes in the future. Kirkhill Primary School is one of several schools in the Inverness area taking part in the ‘ByCycle Race’ promoted by Velocity to encourage children to cycle to school. Velocity run a bike workshop and café on Crown Avenue Inverness and can be contacted on 419956 or A stand was also held on behalf of Newstart Bikes in Inverness to accept donations of bikes that children (or adults) had grown out of. These are refurbished by Newstart and sold on to generate funds for the social organisation and encourage cycling as a healthy leisure pursuit. Newstart Bikes can be contacted on 723993 or The school also organised an obstacle course on the playing field that the children took great delight in, competing with friends for the fastest time around it.tntn4001 - Copy

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