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SH 7 September 2011

Over half of consumers unaware of insulation cost savings

A new survey has revealed more than half of people in the UK are unaware how much money they could save by improving their home insulation. The findings highlights the lack of awareness that still surrounds simple energy saving measures like lagging lofts and cavity walls. One in ten households said that they just ‘can’t be bothered’, while nine per cent use the excuse that they have too much clutter in the loft.

According to the Energy Saving Trust, loft insulation save households around £145 a year in energy bills, while cavity wall insulation can save
around £110 a year. That’s year on year on year.

Oil Prices

As winter approaches, many of us will be turning on the oil or LPG fuelled heating to warm our homes. I recently came across the following 2 charts which show just how much heating oil has increased in price over the last 12 months. Hovering between 40 – 45 pence a litre in 2010, the price this year has fluctuated around 55p a litre a difference of between a quarter and a third. The 2nd graph, which is for last year also shows how prices spiked in the cold spell just before last Christmas.


Do you know what you pay for your energy

Almost 40 per cent of households are unaware of how much they pay each year for their energy, new research shows. A poll by reveals that just over a third of customers know exactly how much they pay for their energy and almost one-quarter have a rough idea of the cost. The findings come as five of the ‘big six’ energy companies have announced price rises to the cost of electricity and gas.

With the current spate of price hikes taking the average bill to record highs, it is becoming more and more important to know exactly how much we  pay for our oil, gas and electricity each year. As a guide households should switch energy tariffs if they are paying more than £37 a month for electricity and more than £51 a month for gas.


Home Energy Checks

A simple way to find out how you can make your home more energy efficient and if you will qualify for subsidised or free insulation tops ups is to complete a Home Energy Check.  These are a very simple, user friendly list of questions supplied by the Energy Saving Scotland advice centre, a Government funded team. There is a local office in Inverness who supports our Programme and they are happy to chat with residents and provide advice and information as well as the Home Energy Checks.  The office can be contacted on the following free phone number 0800 512 012


Renewable Energy Fair – Date for your Diary.

We will be organising a renewable energy fair on the 29th October to help raise awareness of renewable energy and low carbon heating solutions. Chris Ford, the head teacher of Kirkhill Primary School has kindly offered room in the school. Local renewable energy kit suppliers are being invited to attend and we hope to have a range of speakers to answer queries on domestic renewable energy systems.


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