Our area contains a network of paths that are key to allowing us to move about within the community whether to get to school, work or for leisure purposes. Have a look at the local Ordnance Survey sheets. Paths are important, and becoming increasingly more important, to all of us for environmental and health reasons. Poorly maintained paths however discourage people from using them. Even those lucky enough to be maintained by Highland Council are subject to the increasing pressures on Council budgets and are not as well maintained as they have been in the past.
We particularly look after some key existing paths. We have a group of volunteers who meet up to cut back vegetation, sweep up leaves, pick up litter and anything else that’s required to keep the paths open and using them a pleasant experience.

We also try to resolve any local access issues that are raised with us, typically locked or missing gates. We try to deal directly with land managers, but are able to involve the Highland Council Access Officer if necessary.
More volunteers are always welcome. Working on paths is a great communal activity. Donald Shiach is the coordinator and can be reached on secretary@airdcommunity.com.