Air Community Trust logo in green
George 20 December 2011

Kirkhill and Bunchrew Community Trust have moved the recycling bins from the Inchmore recycling point up to the car park at Kirkhill Community Centre. Bins are available for clear, brown and green glass, textiles and cans. The paper bank has not been relocated as we each have blue bins for paper and carboard at home.

Lorry placing bins at Kirkhill Community centre

The recycling point in Inchmore has been well used for the past four years and the Trust would like to thank the site owner for the use of the land. We are also delighted the Kirkhill District Amenities Association agreed to the relocation to the community centre.

The community centre car park is used by many people including children so please keep the site clean and tidy and don’t leave any other rubbish by the bins.

With the bins at the centre of the village it is hoped they wil be even more widely used. Remember if you can’t reduce or reuse, then RECYCLE IN KIRKHILL!



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