Lovat Bridge to Dunballoch
Saturday 5th September 11.00 a.m.
Community residents are invited to the opening of this splendid new section of the Beauly to Kirkhill cycling and walking route. If you are interested in being present for the opening of this exciting new resource, please assemble from 10.45 on the grass triangle beyond the north side of the crossing point at Dunballoch ( A862 /B9164 junction ) in time for the 11.00 a.m. opening.
Following a short opening ceremony the group will cross the A862 and move along the new path to the point opposite the campsite entrance. Here we will recross the road and gather at the Scout tent on the site for refreshments , socialising and an opportunity to discuss future phases of the project. Of course you are welcome to travel directly to the campsite for 11.30 if this is more convenient for you.
It should be noted that there is little, if any, opportunity for safe car parking in the vicinity of Dunballoch junction. All are asked to come to this area by foot or cycle.
We would be very glad for contributions of home baking etc. from Trust members. Anyone who can offer this please contact Aileen Armstrong ( 831558 ) earlier in the week preceding the opening.