Air Community Trust logo in green
SH 18 August 2011

Elections for 153 Community Councils across the Highlands, including Kirkhill & Bunchrew, will be held in November this year. A local election, by postal vote, will take place where the number of valid nominations exceeds the maximum number of members each Community Council is allowed. The deadline for voting is 5pm on Wednesday 16 November.

The election of Kirkhill & Bunchrew Community Council has not had to go to a vote for many years because the number of nominations has not exceeded the number of available seats, which is currently 8.

For the first time anyone aged 16 or 17 at the time of the election is eligible to stand for election and to vote. Persons taking part in the election must be listed in the current Electoral Register for the Community Council area or, if aged 16 or 17, must have completed a voter registration application, unless their head of household has already registered them. (Registration as a Community Council voter or elector is not the same as nomination as a candidate for election.)

Community Council voter registration forms and copies of the Highland Council’s Scheme for the
Establishment of Community Councils (which includes a blank nomination form on the last 2 pages) can be obtained in person from any Council Service Point, or from the Council’s Service Centre (tel. 01349 886606). These
documents can also be downloaded here.

To be able to stand as a candidate at the election, 16 or 17 year olds must submit the completed registration form to the Election Office in Dingwall by Wednesday 31 August.

16 or 17 year olds who just want to vote in the election have to submit their registration form by Friday 30 September.

Nomination forms from all candidates for election must be lodged by Tuesday 4 October.

A full election timetable is available here. More information about the Kirkhill & Bunchrew Community Council election should be provided here in due course.


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