Kirkhill Community Café operates from 10:30 to 14:00 on Fridays in Kirkhill Community Centre. It serves tea, coffee, freshly made vegetarian soup and a selection of delicious home-made cakes.
Café Background
The café opened in May 2016 for an 8 week trial in order to see if the community would support a café, as volunteers and as customers. This development was supported by a number of local businesses. They provided the necessary finance to equip the café and fund the training of volunteers. This café has been so successful that it has continued to run ever since.
Café Volunteers
We have a great team of volunteers who run the café and bake our delicious cakes. We’re always looking for additional volunteers to bake for us and/or help on the day. Baking expenses covered. So, if you are interested in becoming involved then get in touch via the Kirkhill Community Café on our Facebook page or email secretary@airdcommunity.com. We would love to hear from you.