Air Community Trust logo in green


SH 7 October 2011

Renewable Energy Fair – Sat 29th October 10.00 – 14.30 Kirkhill Primary School. We will be holding a renewable energy fair on the 29th October to help raise awareness of renewable energy and low carbon heating solutions. Local renewable energy kit suppliers and specialsists will be on hand to explain the different systems and help, support and […]

SH 19 September 2011

The KDAA are offering reduced tennis membership rates for the rest of the season, until March 2012. Make the best of the last of the summer (?!) weather with family membership now only £15. Booking forms and tariffs are available here.

SH 11 September 2011

Gala Week 2011 success Gala Week in Kirkhill has always been something of an event. The whole community getting behind a weeklong programme of events and activities culminating in Gala Day.  This year though was something special. Buoyed up by the success of the last year the Gala Committee  were determined to do better, and […]

SH 7 September 2011

Over half of consumers unaware of insulation cost savings A new survey has revealed more than half of people in the UK are unaware how much money they could save by improving their home insulation. The findings highlights the lack of awareness that still surrounds simple energy saving measures like lagging lofts and cavity walls. […]

SH 22 August 2011

In mid June, twenty-one scouts from the Aird section of Kirkhill Scout Group attended an action-packed and hugely enjoyable weekend camp at the Brora Scout campsite.  Somehow, in just two days, we managed to pack in a huge range of activities including map skills, hill walking, raft building, swimming (in a chilly loch), abseiling and collecting […]

SH 18 August 2011

Elections for 153 Community Councils across the Highlands, including Kirkhill & Bunchrew, will be held in November this year. A local election, by postal vote, will take place where the number of valid nominations exceeds the maximum number of members each Community Council is allowed. The deadline for voting is 5pm on Wednesday 16 November. The election […]