On the 5th April the Highland Council launches a public consultation on the Main Issues Report which will be used to inform the preparation of the Inner Moray Firth Local Development Plan. This consultation will last for 12 weeks. The Main Issues Report sets out a number of initial options for where development should and should not occur within the Inner Moray Firth area and how to address a number of other issues affecting the area. The Main Issues Report includes a number of sites submitted for consideration by communities, landowners and developers during the Council’s “Call for Sites” undertaken in early 2011.
Public Exhibitions and Evening Workshops
The Highland Council are holding consultation events in each of the main settlements within the Inner Moray Firth area between April and June 2012. The Kirkhill meeting is on the 25th of April at Kirkhill Community Centre. Drop in any time between 2pm and 6.30pm.
A round table discussion is also being held at each of the same communities on the same evening. If you wish to attend any of the evening events please contact 01463 702259. Please let us know if you have any accessibility issues such as the need for disabled access to a venue.
Go along and see what future developments may be in lined for our community and express your views to the Community Council on how you wish the area to be developed.